Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chocolate!!!...and Rules, I Guess

So I accidentally bought some non-vegan chocolate spread the other day, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to explain the rules of my new diet.  These rules will eventually be posted in the "About" section, when I get them finalized:

1. This is a gradual process for me.  My first priority is food.  From 1 Jan 2011, I have not (knowingly) eaten any animal products.  This includes meat, eggs, dairy products and by-products, slaughter by-products like gelatin and processed sugar, and honey (despite debate to the contrary, honey is not vegan).

2. Once I have the food thing settled, I will be moving on to other areas of my life.  I have already started on clothing and accessories, and will eventually be working with cosmetics, bath/body and household products, and finally, medicine.  At the moment, I have committed to label-reading for all future purchases, but I won't be getting rid of some of items I currently own until I can find suitable replacements.  My goal is to have this accomplished before the end of the year, if not sooner.

3. Although I am committed to a mostly-vegan lifestyle, I purposely titled this blog, "Vegan(ish)."  The "ish" is because I have decided I won't endanger my health if I truly need something that can only be obtained from animal sources.  One example would be vaccinations, which frequently contain porcine gelatin and/or egg protein.  And should I happen to survive a plane crash, I also won't be starving because I refuse to kill and eat any woodland creatures.  Although I will make every effort to find alternate versions of items I need, I will not do without a necessary item solely because it is animal-sourced.  I will, however, be doing without items that exist purely for pleasure or convenience.

4. My final caveat to the "ish" portion of this blog concerns my job--I'm Active Duty military, and there are certain items I'm not confident of finding in vegan versions.  One of these is my uniform footwear, which I have so far been unsuccessful in sourcing, although I will continue to try.  Another issue that might arise is the non-availability of vegan food in deployed locations.  Having recently returned from a relatively austere desert environment, I know that I might face the choice between eating pasta that may be made with milk or eggs, and not eating anything at all.  Again, while I will make every effort to prevent such situations, I will not starve when no other options are available.

These are the rules I have lived by for the past twelve days.  It hasn't been difficult; it's actually felt really good.  Like I said, this is a gradual process for me, but I look forward to what the future may bring.


P.S. Chocolate CAN be vegan.  Most big brands aren't, either because they contain milk products, or because they use processed sugar.  I was super-excited to find the spread I purchased was sweetened with evaporated cane juice, and somehow didn't notice the milk fat until the next day.  I gave the spread away, but have already ordered truffles and chocolate sauce from the vegan grocery store, Food Fight!  I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that Newman-Os are free of animal products and by-products, and they taste amazing.


  1. Hi, this is actually So I'm Thinking of Going Vegan, snort, but I'm not able to sign in using the other options. Any chance of including Name/Url in your list?

    Anyway, I would have no problem describing you as vegan rather than someone who is vegan(ish) simply because as according to the definition of veganism ("Veganism denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude--as far as possible and practical--all forms of exploitation...") you certainly strive to be as vegan as far as possible and practical given your circumstances! Also, I know of quite a few vegans who while they will never buy certain items again, will wear out their leather shoes for example, and replace them when the time comes with vegan alternatives.

    Looking forward to catching up with the rest of your blog! :)

  2. Thank you for your support, HGV. I think I prefer to stick with this term because it's an easy middle ground between various definitions of veganism (including my own), but it's nice to know that other people still consider me vegan.

    I do make an effort to avoid animal products whenever possible, but I have the feeling its going to cause a problem eventually, especially since I'll probably have to go back to the desert at some point before we're done with this war. But I'm working on some things to deal with that when it happens...

    Thanks again!
