Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food Fight!

My Food Fight! order just came in (yes, the exclamation point is actually part of their name).  I picked the package up at lunch, and couldn't even wait to get home before I ripped it open.  I got some basic staples like nutritional yeast, seitan mix, and vegan sauces, and some amazing junk food: vegan jerky, gummy candy, chocolate, some jello-type substance, and marshmallows.  I didn't realize how much I missed marshmallows until I had the vegan version.  (They're awesome, btw).

Anyway, Food Fight! is just one of many vegan resources out there, so I thought I'd share the news.  More info to follow, but two other great vegan superstores are Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe and Vegan Essentials.  I'm not going to play favorites, because all three are amazing, so check them out.

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